Approach and Modalities Offered
Overall Approach
My goal is to help you empower yourself to develop the insights and learn the skills you need to live a happier life no matter what your situation is. Our society often pathologizes families and individuals with "problems" or "mental health" issues, and you may view seeking help even as a weakness. Sometimes the "I'll just handle it myself," approach doesn't work anymore, and reaching out to a therapist is a courageous step forwards!
Most people who enter therapy enjoy the outcome! You are likely to feel emotionally stronger, have increased self-esteem, self-awareness, and create healthier, more meaningful relationships.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is one of the most widely researched and empirically driven methods of treatment. CBT offers a structured approach to assist you to link your thoughts to your emotions and behaviors. Through this process, CBT may help you to identify core beliefs about yourself and the world that are hindering you in several areas of your life. CBT provides brief, solution focused interventions to help you create new beliefs and reframes for unhelpful thinking. CBT helps many people manage anxiety, depression, PTSD, and chronic pain. CBT involves both in-session and out-of-session homework to track thoughts, moods, and behaviors.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, who released her DBT first treatment manual in the early 1990s. DBT is a cognitive based behavioral therapy that was designed to treat those who were chronically suicidal, and not responding well to traditional CBT treatment. As is turns out, many of Dr. Linehan's patients were struggling with a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder. DBT is now the most widely used evidenced based treatment for individuals BPD, and is also a very effective treatment for those suffering from anxiety, depression, self-injury, and the impact of trauma.
DBT can be quite helpful when managing extreme thoughts and behaviors, thus a primary goal is emotional regulation skills. in the words of Dr. Linehan, DBT skills help you “build a life worth living.”
Traditional DBT involves weekly intensive group therapy, weekly individual skills coaching, 24/7 phone coaching, and daily skills training assignments. DBT skills are typically taught in a structured fashion in four modules and based on a few core "assumptions." The four skill modules include mindfulness skills, distress tolerance and radical acceptance skills for surviving a crisis, emotional regulation skills, and interpersonal relationship skills.
Many individuals find specific DBT skills are highly applicable when managing overwhelming emotions, as well as when navigating communication challenges in relationships with friends, family, loved ones, and colleagues.
DBT assumption: You are doing the best you can, and there is always room for improvement!
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT tapping is an evidenced-based treatment that was approved in 2017 by the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Kaiser Permanente, to treat PTSD, anxiety, and depression. This technique involves a system of tapping with your fingertips on designated acupressure points. Hundreds of studies report the efficacy of EFT to reduce cortisol levels and generate positive emotional responses. EFT can assist patients to improve focus, manage chronic pain, and a myriad of other conditions. I continuously participate in EFT trainings in order to provide clients great results with this versatile stress-relief tool. Please view and for additional information on EFT tapping.
Please see the Tarotpy page for a more detailed outline of this progressive method. In order to serve potential clients interested in integrating a more spiritual or “depth psychology,” approach into therapy, I became certified in this method in April of 2023. Tarotpy implements the use of symbol, imagery, metaphor, and synchronicity, to essentially awaken the unconscious into your present awareness. This method cannot only be fun, but can also allow you to develop breakthroughs and increased clarity into an issue for which you are seeking consultation.
Coaching vs. Therapy
You can work with me as an EFT Tapping Coach, or receive a Tarotpy session, outside of being a psychotherapy client as well! However, there are some crucial distinctions to keep in mind when considering Coaching vs. Therapy, and knowing which option is right for you. Please see the Coaching Tab for more detailed information. And as always, feel free to reach out if you have questions.
Services Offered
Young Adults
A main treatment focus includes young adults, ages 18-25 and beyond, which is a time of many life transitions. You may find yourself feeling increasingly anxious or depressed during these adjustment periods. Some contributing factors may include generational "norms" and beliefs. For example, it is extremely common to believe that nothing but fast, easy, and completely perfect results are acceptable. Perfectionism can accompany fears of failure, rejection, and even fears of success. This can leave one feeling totally paralyzed about making decisions concerning relationships, jobs, and school. If you are struggling with life adjustments or symptoms impacting your mental health, solution-focused, skill-based therapy may assist you greatly. Other themes that are common may include “people pleasing,” substance abuse, and “Imposter Syndrome.” Stress management, emotion management, mindfulness, and healthy relationship skills are essential to feeling happier.
Relationship counseling can assist you at any stage of a relationship. I help couples learn to communicate more effectively and compassionately in a way that helps build respect in your relationship. You and your partner can learn the skills needed to build your friendship, increase emotional intimacy, manage conflict and incompatibilities, and support each other in reaching your life goals. Couples counseling can help you resolve deeper relationship conflicts and create a happier, more connected life together.
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain can be successfully treated using CBT-CP or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain, using a multipronged and structured approach. CBT can assist you in learning how “catastrophizing,” and other ways of thinking that can cause a viscous cycle of avoiding activity and maintaining and exacerbating pain.
Learning about your parasympathetic (Rest and Digest) vs. your Sympathetic “Fight/Flight/Freeze” nervous system, and how to activate your relaxation response, can be effective in turning down the pain response and improve quality of life.
Exploring themes with chronic pain can help you to develop coping strategies to mange your condition. Common treatment topics include: How is “pain,” signaling you to “pay attention,” to areas in your life you might otherwise be avoiding? What are the pros and cons of both maintaining and reducing pain? What was occurring in your life when pain started? Instead of avoiding and perpetuating pain, learn how to face it and move forward with new tools and insights.
Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and Depression are often closely linked, although reasons for this are not entirely clear. Anxiety is actually an essential human emotion that serves a purpose- self protection and even motivation. However, anxiety has a tendency to “stick around,” when it isn’t serving much of a purpose. Therapy helps you learn skills to manage anxiety symptoms- both physical and mental. If you experience symptoms such as racing thoughts, excessive worry, physical pain and muscle tension, irritability, sleep difficulty, and intense episodes of panic, you may benefit from learning how to mitigate your symptoms. This can be accomplished through both insight oriented therapy and specific skills to assist you to shift out of anxiety or a “fight/flight/freeze,” state into a relaxed state of mind and body.
Sadness is also a normal human emotion, but when it sticks around for too long, depression can develop as well. You may experience overwhelming symptoms to the point where your life feels impossible. If you notice anhedonia (lack of interest in things you used to enjoy) along with low motivation, sleeping and eating difficulties, feelings of hopelessness, and low self worth, you may be struggling with a depressive episode or have chronic symptoms of depression. Therapy can also help you understand how thoughts and beliefs cause depression to persist. Often times, when new beliefs, perspectives and coping skills are learned, depression can be alleviated.
If you know you have Bipolar Disorder or you wonder if you may be struggling with symptoms, therapy and medication management is usually essential for your well-being. If you don't already have a doctor, I will help with referrals. The skills taught in DBT can CBT and be very effective to assist you with balancing the extreme emotional highs and lows that are part of this condition. Living with Bipolar symptoms can feel very isolating and never ending. However, with the right therapist and support network, relief is available.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a natural reaction when you have experienced any kind of traumatic event. Not everyone that experiences trauma will develop this condition, and symptoms can manifest weeks or even years after an event. PTSD is a disorder that is commonly associated with the trauma of combat. However, symptoms may develop from experiencing or witnessing a number of events, including but not limited to childhood traumas, sexual assault, suicide, and death. PTSD also impacts many crisis workers, paramedics, and law enforcement officers, who are often people that may not want to get help. Everyone deserves to feel well and be supported, and therapy can be a safe space to start this healing process.
If you have come to this website and you believe you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health emergency, please know that you have options and you can call 911, or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255(TALK).
Complimentary Consultation
This is an important step in your therapy journey. Our conversation can assist you to determine if we are a great fit to work together. If we determine I am not the best fit for you, I am happy to provide referrals. Your wellness is your number one priority, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Rates and Insurance
I am currently an insurance provider through most major insurance panels through practice management/billing organizations - Rula (Formerly Path Mental Health), and Headway. Please note I am not covered by Magellan insurance. Please reach out to me directly to inquire about options and availability: CecilyLongoMFT@Proton.Me.
Out-of-pocket rates are $150 per 50 minute appointment for individual sessions, and $175 for couples and families. I may offer a sliding scale based on financial need, although these spaces fill up quickly. Credit Card via Ivy Pay or Venmo accepted. All sessions are conducted via Telehealth, and HIPAA compliant Telehealth link will be provided to you before our session. Late cancel fees apply.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you develop healthier relationships, fill your “tool box” of coping skills, and assist you to feel more empowered in your life!
Cecily Longo, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, MFC#86591